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Republik Indonesia

Republik Indonesia, disingkat RI atau Indonesia, adalah negara di Asia Tenggara yang dilintasi garis khatulistiwa dan berada di antara benua Asia dan Australia serta antara Samudra Pasifik dan Samudra Hindia.

Wayang (Puppet Theatre)

Wayang is a form of puppet theatre art found in Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia, wherein a dramatic story is told through shadows thrown by puppets and sometimes combined with human characters.

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Dangerous Effects of Sleeping Pills

Maybe you sleepless nights? Because having trouble sleeping, a lot of people taking sleeping pills. However, be careful, the scientists warn of sleeping pills can cause death.

Team of doctors led by Daniel Kripke of the Scripps Clinic Sleep Center Viterbi Family in La Jolla, California, examined the medical records of more than 10,500 adults, average age 54 years living in Pennsylvania who underwent treatment with sleeping pills.
Research for nearly three years was also observed several types of sleeping pills prescribed by doctors, such as the diazepines (diazepam and temazepam), non-benzodiazepines (zolpidem, zopiclone and zaleplon), barbiturates and tranquilizers.
The researchers found that sleeping pills are prescribed 4.6 times more likely to die in a vulnerable period of two and a half years. In fact, those taking the pill for less than 18 pills per year still have the risk of death by 3.5 times compared to those with non-users of sleeping pills.
However, the higher the dose ingested, the greater the risks. People who take sleeping pills about 18-132 pills per year have a risk of up to 4.4 times higher death. And those who drank more than 132 pills a chance to die up to 5.3 times higher.
Overall, one in 16 users of sleeping pills was reported dead (638 from 10 531) compared with one in 80 non-users of sleeping pills (295 of 23 674 people).
Researchers explain the increased risk is independent of underlying health conditions, such as heart disease and lung cancer, depression, anxiety, and other factors, such as the use of cigarettes and alcohol. So, you are suggested to not take sleeping pills because of side effects!.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

5 Hackers Sexy Female in the World

What is in your mind when hearing the word hacker? People dressed like nerds with thick glasses? Or a person who looks quiet life in front of the computer? Get rid of the first image. As it turns out, this woman 5 hacker might be able to change your view.

1. Kristina Svechinskaya 

She was a student at New York University. Kristina was popular because of its success to break into millions of dollars from a bank in the United Kingdom and the United States.Together with nine other people, Kristina siphon money from thousands of bank accounts before being caught in November 2010. This beautiful Hacker uses Zeus Trojan Horse virus to attack these accounts. Many people agree that it is one of the sexiest hacker ever.

2. Ying Kracker 

Her sweet and innocent look makes people may think that Ying is a hacker. Ying own profession as a teacher in Shanghai, China. She teaches the basic steps of the process of hacking, such as how to change the IP Address and how to manipulate the password. Ying is also an expert in making a special software hacker.

3. Joanna Rutkowska 

Joanna is a woman from Poland who is very interested in the hacking world. But the difference, he is focusing on how to build a security system to prevent crime.This beautiful woman was first known when the first Black Hat Briefings in Las Vegas in August 2006. At that time she presented herself to break into the security system in Windows Vista. Not only that, Joanna also managed to break through the Intel System Management Mode and Trusterd Execution Technology.Since then, Joanna was often invited by various software companies to give advice about their security systems.
4. Raven Alder 

This gothic style girl became the first woman to make a presentation at DefCon Hacker Conference. But she argues that she did not want to be known only as a female hacker. Raven is more popular because of its ability to be happy if a hacker is recognized by others. Later, she was active enough to design, test, and audit the security detectors at various agencies.
5. Xiao Tian 

This oriental-faced hackers elegant and fashionable. Feminine appearance is inversely proportional to its ability to break into security systems. Xiao Tian is deeply interested in the fashion world. She first became known when he was 19 years old. One victim is none other than the owner of the company in the world's largest search engine, Google. At that time, Xiao Tian and her team attack the infrastructure of Google China.

5 Wanita Hacker di Dunia yang Fenomenal

Apa yang ada dalam benak Anda jika mendengar kata hacker? Orang berpenampilan layaknya kutu buku dengan kacamata tebal? Atau Orang yang terlihat pendiam yang hidupnya di depan komputer? Singkirkan dulu bayangan tersebut. Karena ternyata, 5 hacker wanita ini mungkin bisa mengubah pandangan Anda.

1. Kristina Svechinskaya
Ia adalah seorang mahasiswi di New York University. Kristina sempat populer karena keberhasilannya membobol jutaan dolar dari beberapa bank di Inggris dan Amerika Serikat.
Bersama dengan 9 orang lainnya, Kristina menyedot uang dari ribuan akun bank sebelum akhirnya tertangkap pada November 2010. Hacker cantik ini menggunakan virus Zeus Trojan Horse untuk menyerang akun-akun tersebut. Banyak orang sepakat bahwa ia merupakan salah satu hacker terseksi yang pernah ada.

2. Ying Kracker

Wajahnya yang manis dan terlihat polos membuat orang tak mungkin berpikir bahwa Ying adalah seorang hacker. Ying sendiri berprofesi sebagai guru di Shanghai, China.
Ia mengajarkan langkah-langkah dasar dari proses hacking, seperti bagaimana mengganti IP Address dan bagaimana memanipulasi password. Ying juga merupakan seorang ahli dalam membuat software khusus hacker.

3. Joanna Rutkowska
Joanna adalah wanita asal Polandia yang sangat tertarik dengan dunia hacking. Namun bedanya, ia lebih memfokuskan diri pada bagaimana membangun sistem keamanan untuk mencegah terjadinya kejahatan tersebut.
Wanita cantik ini pertama kali dikenal saat acara Black Hat Briefings di Las Vegas pada Agustus 2006. Saat itu ia mempresentasikan diri dengan membobol sistem keamanan di Windows Vista. Tidak hanya itu, Joanna juga berhasil menerobos Intel System Management Mode dan Trusterd Execution Technology.
Sejak itu, Joanna sering diundang oleh berbagai perusahaan software untuk memberi saran soal sistem keamanan mereka.

4. Raven Alder
Gadis bergaya gothic ini menjadi wanita pertama yang melakukan presentasi di DefCon Hacker Conference. Namun ia berpendapat bahwa dirinya tidak ingin dikenal hanya sebagai seorang hacker wanita.
Raven lebih senang jika populer karena kemampuannya sebagai hacker diakui oleh orang lain. Belakangan, ia cukup aktif mendesain, mengetes, dan mengaudit pendeteksi keamanan di berbagai agency.

5. Xiao Tian
Hacker berwajah oriental ini tampil elegan dan modis. Penampilannya yang feminim berbanding terbalik dengan kemampuannya membobol sistem keamanan. Xiao Tian memang mengaku sangat tertarik pada dunia fashion.
Ia pertama kali dikenal saat berumur 19 tahun. Salah satu korbannya tidak lain adalah perusahaan pemilik search engine terbesar di dunia, Google. Saat itu, Xiao Tian bersama timnya menyerang sistem infrastruktur dari Google China.

5 Drink Healthy Water addition

Fatigue sometimes causes the body to become dehydrated. Sipping a glass of water could be the best way to hydrate the body. Unfortunately, not everyone likes to drink water. Quite often, people prefer sweet drinks or berelektrolit ion believed to be able to restore lost body and prevent dehydration.However, you should not drink it. As reported Boldsky, Monday (27/2), there are a few drinks a good substitute for water when dehydrated hit.

1. Coconut Water 

Young coconut water is the best alternative to overcome the dehydration of the body and is very safe to be consumed throughout the day. Coconut water also contains a good variety of minerals, like potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus and chloride.This drink is also useful as a diuretic, which is very effective to accelerate the expenditure of urine, diarrhea and heart burn. In addition, coconut water also contains no cholesterol and low in fat, so it is more nutritious than the milk.
2. Buttermilk 

Buttermilk is the milk remaining after the fat removed from the condensed milk. Residual milk is highly recommended for people with stomach disorders, because the milk is working to neutralize the acid released by the stomach and the stomach cool. In addition, the buttermilk is a source of calcium, riboflavin, and vitamins.Acid content of the buttermilk also fight bacteria and germs. To control the diarrhea, try to drink buttermilk mixed with a little salt, three to four times a day.
3. Juice of Citrus Fruit 

A glass of fresh lemon juice or the packaging is the best way to get instant energy. These drinks contain lots of vitamins and antioxidants that can refresh a tired body.
4. Soup 

Warm soup every day to be the healthiest way to restore the fluid in the body. These foods also contain a complete vitamin, mineral and energy generation. Steamed vegetables in them also have high nutritional value and can be filling the stomach.
5. Popsicles 

Popsicles are a frozen juice and water can be used as the best alternative in lieu of water. In the ice cream contains 60-65 percent water. So, when you feel tired and thirsty, you can eat ice cream that can boost energy and help get rid of hunger.

5 Minuman Sehat Selain Air Putih

Kelelahan terkadang membuat tubuh mengalami dehidrasi. Meneguk segelas air putih bisa menjadi cara terbaik untuk menghidrasi tubuh. Sayangnya, tidak semua orang menyukai minum air putih. Tak jarang, orang lebih memilih minuman manis atau berelektrolit yang dipercaya mampu mengembalikan ion tubuh yang hilang dan mencegah dehidrasi.
Namun, sebaiknya Anda tidak mengonsumsi minuman tersebut. Seperti dilansir Boldsky, Senin (27/2), ada beberapa minuman pengganti air putih yang baik ketika dehidrasi melanda.

1. Air Kelapa
Air kelapa muda merupakan alternatif mengatasi dehidrasi terbaik bagi tubuh dan sangat aman untuk dikonsumsi sepanjang hari. Air kelapa juga banyak mengandung berbagai mineral baik, seperti kalium, kalsium, natrium, belerang, fosfor dan klorida.
Minuman ini juga bermanfaat sebagai diuretik, yaitu sangat efektif untuk memperlancar pengeluaran air seni, diare dan heart burn. Selain itu, air kelapa juga tidak mengandung kolesterol dan rendah lemak, sehingga lebih bernutrisi jika dibandingkan dengan susu.

2. Buttermilk

Buttermilk merupakan susu sisa setelah lemak diangkat dari susu kental. Susu sisa ini sangat dianjurkan bagi penderita gangguan lambung, karena susu ini bekerja untuk menetralkan asam yang dikeluarkan oleh lambung dan mendinginkan perut. Selain itu, buttermilk merupakan sumber kalsium, riboflavin, dan vitamin.
Kandungan asam dari buttermilk juga melawan bakteri dan kuman. Untuk mengontrol diare, cobalah minum buttermilk dipadukan dengan sedikit garam, tiga hingga empat kali sehari.

3. Jus dari Buah Citrus
Segelas jus lemon yang segar atau kemasan merupakan cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan energi secara instan. Minuman ini juga mengandung banyak vitamin dan antioksidan yang dapat menyegarkan tubuh yang lelah.

4. Sup
Sup hangat setiap hari menjadi cara tersehat untuk mengembalikan cairan dalam tubuh. Makanan ini juga mengandung vitamin komplit, mineral dan pembangkit energi. Sayuran rebus yang terdapat didalamnya juga memiliki nilai gizi yang tinggi dan dapat mengenyangkan perut.

5. Popsicles
Popsicles merupakan air jus yang dibekukan dan bisa dijadikan alternatif terbaik sebagai pengganti air. Di dalam es krim terkandung 60-65 persen air. Jadi, ketika Anda merasa kelelahan dan haus, Anda boleh memakan eskrim yang dapat meningkatkan energi dan membantu menyingkirkan rasa lapar.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Animals Scooped in the World

1. Pickles the dog in the 1966 World Cup 
England World Cup in 1966 started even before the tournament started terrible: One week after the defending champions Brazil the Jules Rimet trophy handed to the British, the trophy was stolen during an exhibition at Central Hall in Westminster.
Brazil's wrath, and said such incidents would never happen in their country, who adores football more than anything else. Thief would not be willing to touch the cup. Fortunately, rescue came in the form of a dog.
Pickles into action to track trophy just in time. He found the cup lying at the bottom of a fence, probably while looking for a place to pee.
The rest is history: Bobby Moore led England to victory of the summer, and Brazil won again in 1970 after their third win. In 1983 the cup was stolen again, this time in Brazil. But the wrath of the people do not like 17 years earlier.

2. Paul The Octopus
Football fans must have been familiar with the animals in 2010 was phenomenal.
Paul The Octopus. This eight-armed animal to be a global sensation after successfully guessed the right number of matches in World Cup winner. You do this by selecting one of two boxes marked with the flag of the player.
Paul even guessing is apt that Spain will beat Holland in the final game.
Unfortunately, several months after the World Cup, Paul died peacefully in his sleep at the age of two years. Paul bye!.

3. Gull golf courses in the Players Championship in 1998
American golfer Steve Lowery was initially quite pleased with himself when playing the 17th hole of the famous TPC Stadium field: he hit a beautiful shot right into the middle of the island green on the par-3 complex.
But a passing gull has another idea: the bird's Lowery picked up the ball, roll in the meadow with its beak, then picked it up, fly, and drop it in the lake.
Luckily for Lowery, golf rules set for the crime of birds such as: because the ball has stopped before he took it, he is allowed to replace the ball on the prairie.

4. Bees Visakhapatnam cricket stadium
ACA-VDCA Stadium in Visakhapatnam, India, is one of the latest international cricket stadium, built in 2003.
There's only one problem with the stadium: there are many bee colonies in places around the stadium. There in the trees in place, while others in the rafters of the stands. But all of them very much and each honeycomb is filled with other winged animals.
When the beast flying out of the nest, the players and match officials had no choice but to lie on the ground until the herd is gone. Meanwhile, spectators running around the stands and try to avoid stings.
The first international match at the stadium, between India and Pakistan in 2005, is also plagued by a crowd of bees, and on one TV commentator game locked up in their glass boxes for bees around the press room.
Indian newspaper The Hindu reported that the cost of moving the bees were very expensive.

5. Squirrel Highbury, Arsenal v Villarreal, Champions League semi-final in April 2006 
Are to be highlighted at the European finals at Highbury Arsenal Kolo Toure is not the goal at minute 41 that finally put the Gunners in their first Champions League final. But the gray squirrel that ran onto the field for several minutes. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Plants Natural Cough Medicine

Coughing is not a disease but a symptom of a disease. Coughing is the body's defense mechanism to clear the airways.
Cough medicines commonly used are those containing antitussives, decongestants, expectorants, or a combination. For treatment other than conventional medicine can also be with herbal medicine.

Here are some plants that can be used to treat a cough:
 1. Ginger rhizome (Rhizoma Zingebris)Ginger and preparations have long been used for treatment of flu symptoms. The effects associated with the immunomodulatory activity. In addition, some compounds contained in ginger may be useful in increasing body temperature. Clinical trials Ginger is used more as an anti-nausea and vomiting.
 2. Mint Leaves (Folia Menthae)Anti-cough effect: As an expectorant. Essential oils stimulate the respiratory mucosa; enhance or dilute the mucus secretion; provide a sense of cool; and lowers the surface tension of the lung, thus improving the flow of incoming air. Another effect of Mint Leaf: As anti-microbial. 
3. Rhizome Powder (Kaemferaie Rhizoma)A key benefit is overcome respiratory disorders. Effectiveness data for respiratory disorders are generally still in experimental animals. The use of the aromatherapy: for relaxation, carminative and sedative. Another use: Cosmetic skin. Activity: Ethyl cinnamic, asorelaksation. 
4. Fruit Lime (Citrus Aurantii Fructus)Lime for use of the cough is mostly done empirically. Benefits of Essential oil content: As the aroma therapy of the respiratory tract. Benefits of Vitamin C content: Can be connected with munomodulator activate. Current clinical studies for standardized extract (Sineprin) is more widely used for weight control.
 5. Timi herb (Thymi Herb)Thymi is one plant that has long been used as no cough.The main effect as an expectorant and Antis pasmodik. This activity allegedly related to the content of Essential Oils (thymol and karvakrol), and flavonoids. Thimi lubrication intra muscular and oral administration in experimental animals, showed stimulation of the respiratory tract. In a double blind randomized clinical trial in 60 patients with complaints of productive cough. Use of syrup Thimi (3x10mL/day) for 5 days, proved to give effect to the bromheksin not significantly different. 
6. Nutmeg (Myristicae Cement)Nutmeg is the main content of essential oils. Use of Nutmeg which has supported scientific studies is as a sedative and carminative agent. Animal studies prove the Nutmeg can increase the duration of sleep. 
7. Sweet root (Glycyrrhizae Radix)Sweet is the root of the main raw material for OBH (Black Cough). The development of the Black Cough is now combined with conventional medicine. The main content is Glisirisin Sweet Root.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Effect of Internet to People

Internet! the word it was popular in various circles of society, especially in an age of globalization now! many benefits that we can get from the internet! we can also do an activity with instant, fast, and fun through the internet. However, do you know? in addition to having a lot of benefits that the Internet also have a negative impact for some users.
A psychologist from the United States, David Greefield found about 6% of internet users experience Internet addiction, a person who is using the internet will forget the time!. Most of the people who are addicted to the Internet because they find fulfillment in the internet that they do not get it in the real world.

therefore, we as internet users can take the positive value of the internet! It will make us better. Have a nice day when accessing the internet!