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Republik Indonesia

Republik Indonesia, disingkat RI atau Indonesia, adalah negara di Asia Tenggara yang dilintasi garis khatulistiwa dan berada di antara benua Asia dan Australia serta antara Samudra Pasifik dan Samudra Hindia.

Wayang (Puppet Theatre)

Wayang is a form of puppet theatre art found in Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia, wherein a dramatic story is told through shadows thrown by puppets and sometimes combined with human characters.

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Not always "Hyperhidrosis" is a disease of the heart

Palms of hands and soles of your feet are sweaty? When the weather is not hot and you're not out sport! If you think it's a sign of heart disease then, you better read this article first! 

Production of excessive sweating in medical terms is called "hyperhidrosis". Usually the condition hyperhidrosis begins when young adults or teenagers. Hyperhidrosis can indeed be caused by physical illness, or it could be caused by psychological factors (anxiety / panic). This condition can occur on all areas of the body surface and only in some areas of the body just like the palms of the hands, feet, or underarms

Physical disturbance factors which may cause hyperhidrosis example is:
- The presence of excessive sweat glands
- Hormonal disorders (diabetes mellitus, impaired formation of thyroid hormones, menopausal state)
- Infectious diseases (Tuberculosis)
- The use of certain drugs
- The consumption of alcohol

For the treatment of hyperhidrosis and handling conditions, need to find out in advance its cause, is solely due to psychological factors, or there is an underlying physical disorder. After that given the appropriate treatment or therapy with factor. For a complete examination by a physician is absolutely necessary

So, if you find symptoms like that, you know what you should do and don't need to think negatively first. 