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Republik Indonesia

Republik Indonesia, disingkat RI atau Indonesia, adalah negara di Asia Tenggara yang dilintasi garis khatulistiwa dan berada di antara benua Asia dan Australia serta antara Samudra Pasifik dan Samudra Hindia.

Wayang (Puppet Theatre)

Wayang is a form of puppet theatre art found in Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia, wherein a dramatic story is told through shadows thrown by puppets and sometimes combined with human characters.

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Aspirin Bisa Kurangi Resiko Kanker

LONDON -- Aspirin semakin menyita perhatian para peneliti sebagai obat antikanker. Tidak hanya menghambat pertumbuhan kanker, obat itu juga dinilai dapat memperlambat penyebaran sel kanker bagi para penderitanya.
Peneliti dari Oxford University Peter Rothwell mengatakan, orang dewasa yang mengkonsumsi aspirin setiap hari selama tiga tahun memiliki resiko pertumbuhan sel kanker 25 persen lebih rendah. Begitu pula, penderita kanker yang mengkonsumsi aspirin setiap hari selama tiga tahun memiliki resiko kematian 15 persen lebih rendah.
"Dalam lima tahun, resiko kematian pasien yang mengkonsumsi aspirin lebih rendah 37 persen dibanding pasien yang tidak mengkonsumsi," kata dia seperti dilansir Newscientist.
Rothwell menambahkan, aspirin juga dapat menghambat penyebaran sel kanker untuk menjalar ke organ-organ tubuh yang lain. Mengkonsumsi aspirin selama 6,5 tahun dapat mengurangi resiko penyebaran sel kanker hingga 50 persen.
"Tapi resep ini tidak dapat diberikan kepada setiap orang. Para peneliti juga memperingatkan bahwa mengonsumsi aspirin dengan cara seperti itu dapat merusak usus dan menyebabkan pendarahan," ungkapnya.

The Indonesian women were ancestors of Madagascar

Paris (AFP / Reuters) - Several Indonesian women became the founder of the colony of Madagascar 1,200 years ago, researchers said on Wednesday will be one of the strange episode in the history of the human odyssey.

Many anthropologists were fascinated with Madagascar, because the island was far from the history of the conquest of man on this planet for thousands of years.The island later became home to indigenous Africans and people of Indonesia, which lies 8,000 kilometers from Madagascar.
A team led by molecular biologist Murray Cox from Massey University, New Zealand, examined the DNA of the population of Madagascar in search of clues to the explanation of the immigration puzzle.They look for traits inherited through the maternal chromosome, the DNA samples taken from 266 people from three ethnic groups of Malagasy.Twenty-two percent of DNA that has a variation of the "Polynesian motif," the characteristics of the genes found in the Polynesian population, but very rare in the western part of Indonesia. In one group of Malagasy entis, one of two people have this characteristic.If the result is correct, then about 30 women in Indonesia became the founder of the Malagasy population "with a smaller contribution, but equally important, to those from Africa," he said.

The study was focused on mitochondrial DNA, inherited through the mother, so there is still a possibility that some Indonesian men arrived together with the first lady.Computer simulations suggest that the settlement began around 830 AD, while Indonesia is developing trade routes under the control of the kingdom of Srivijaya in Sumatra.The study also shows the contribution from Southeast Asia.In linguistics, the people of Madagascar speak a dialect that when traced comes from Indonesia.Most of the lexicon, a glossary of terms in alphabetical order, are from Maanyan language, the language used in the Barito River valley in southeastern Kalimantan - the remote rural areas - with some additions from the Javanese, Malay or Sanskrit.Other evidence of Indonesia's population comes from the discovery of an outrigger canoe, iron tools, musical instruments such as xylophone and a "culture of tropical foods" such as the cultivation of rice, banana, sweet potato and taro are taken from across the sea.

"Madagascar began to be occupied about 1,200 years ago, especially by a small group of women in Indonesia, and the contribution of Indonesia - such as language, culture and genes - dominate Madagascar continues to this day," said the report.
30 How does the woman to cross the Indian Ocean to Madagascar remains a mystery.One theory is that they come up with a merchant vessel, though not yet found evidence that women participate in a long voyage on board the merchant Indonesia.

Another theory states that starting from the colony of Madagascar authorized dealers, or may be the center of the escape of refugees who lost land and power in the expansion of the territory of the kingdom of Srivijaya.

But the third hypothesis - and most daring - mentions that the women were on the ship was due to set sail across the ocean by accident. Thought it was supported by simulations using the indication of shipping ocean currents and weather patterns of the monsoon season, the team said Cox.

Indeed, in World War II, bombed wreck near Sumatra and Java, stranded in Madagascar, even in one case, there is one passenger survived in lifeboats.

The study was published by the British journal, Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Liking Art Good For Heart

Love the art of it is good for one's mental health. Research in the year 2011 has shown that people who love art, enjoy life more. Recent research suggests that people who love art can have benefits for physical health.

The results presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Cardiovascular Nursing explained that people with stroke who like art, like music, painting and theater, has a chance to recover faster than patients who do not like art.

Researchers from the University of Rome Tor Vergata School in doing research by asking questions of the 192 stroke patients. The researchers asked whether or not they love art. Then, researchers compared quality of life among those who love art (105 patients) with those who say they do not like art (87 patients).

Researchers found that stroke patients who like art tend to have better health, than those who do not like art. They are even easier to run, more energy, feel happier and more peaceful. Patients art enthusiasts also have a sharper memory and easy to understand what other people say.

"These results explain the importance of exposure to the art to improve the process of recovery after stroke. People who recover from stroke regard art as an integral part of his life. They show a better recovery than those who are not interested in art," said researcher Dr. Vellone Ercole, quoted by Time Healthland, Monday (19/3).

4 Langkah Mudah Lindungi Kulit dari Matahari

Sinar mentari pagi punya segudang manfaat bagi kulit. Tapi semakin siang, justru bisa menyebabkan kerusakan.

Noda hitam, kerutan, penuaan dini, sampai kanker kulit merupakan gangguan kulit yang disebabkan sengatan sinar ultraviolet. Efek sinar ini memang tak langsung terasa. Jadi sebelum Anda menyesal, sebaiknya lindungi kulit dengan beberapa langkah mudah ini.

1. Atur Jadwal
Sebaiknya atur jadwal Anda baik-baik. Usahakan tidak banyak terpapar sinar matahari di luar ruang. Sinar antara pukul 10-16 berdampak kurang baik bagi kulit.
Gunakan kendaraan yang tertutup jika bepergian pada siang hari. Pilih tempat-tempat pertemuan di dalam ruang jika akan bertemu teman atau klien pada jam-jam tersebut. Perlu diingat, cuaca mendung bukan berarti bebas sinar UV. Gunakan perlindungan semaksimal mungkin agar terhindar dari efek kurang baik.

2. Payung
Jika paparan sinar matahari siang tidak bisa dihindari, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah mengurangi risiko. Gunakan payung yang memiliki perlindungan sinar UV jika matahari bersinar terik. Lindungi kulit wajah dan bagian tubuh lainnya sebisa mungkin. Pilih payung yang menarik dan ringan agar tidak membuat Anda malas membawanya.

3. Pakaian dan Aksesori
Harus survei lapangan? Pilih pakaian yang bisa menutupi tubuh dari sinar matahari. Kenakan pakaian berlengan panjang yang bisa melindungi tubuh dari terik yang menyengat. Jangan kenakan rok atau celana pendek saat akan beraktivitas di luar pada siang hari atau mengendarai motor pada saat panas terik.
Selain membuat penampilan Anda lebih menarik, penggunaan aksesori juga bisa membantu melindungi tubuh dari sengatan sinar UV. Topi lebar, kacamata hitam, sampai scarf bisa menambah perlindungan pada bagian wajah, mata, leher, dan sekitarnya.

Kacamata hitam selain melindungi mata juga efektif mencegah kerutan dini pada mata karena terlalu sering mengerut pada saat silau dan panas. Gunakan kaus kaki jika menggunakan sepatu terbuka saat berjalan kaki di panas terik. Malas menggunakan kaus kaki bisa membuat kaki Anda terdapat “cetakan garis sepatu” karena perbedaan warna kulit akibat sengatan matahari.

4. Perawatan
Salah satu perlindungan bagi kulit yang efektif adalah krim tabir surya atau sunblock. Pastikan setidaknya krim yang Anda beli memiliki SPF minimal 15. Gunakan pada bagian wajah dan tubuh. Perlu diingat, umumnya krim tabir surya untuk bagian wajah tidak sama dengan tubuh. Masing-masing area memiliki kebutuhan dan sensitivitas yang bervariasi.
Pencegahan selalu lebih baik daripada mengobati. Tak ada salahnya berinvestasi lebih untuk melindungi kulit dari sinar UV daripada harus memperbaiki kerusakannya di kemudian hari.

Monday, March 19, 2012

4 The Best Food For the Brain

Become an important part of the body, the brain is the center of all human activities. Therefore, the brain requires healthy food intake to make it work optimally.

1. Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B complex group consisted of eight different vitamins. Eat foods or a multivitamin containing vitamin B complex, which helps improve brain function. This vitamin helps the body convert choline, which is an amino acid found in food sources into acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter chemical that aids in memory and learning. Vitamin B complex found in a lot of potatoes, grains, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms, bananas, a variety of processed soybean products, eggs and almonds.

2. Whole wheat

Whole grains like whole wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, and millet are the main energy source of food for the body and brain. This diet works to increase blood flow to the brain, which means support the quality and quantity of brain function. These grains also contain lots of vitamin B6, which is full of thiamine. Thiamine is great for anyone who seeks to improve memory.

3. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

To have a sharp memory and concentration, consume foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids are able to control depression and stress. Be sure to always take fish oil, olive oil, garlic, tuna, turkey, salmon, eggs, rice, cereals, and pasta.

4. Carbohydrate

Foods such as brown rice, apples, bananas, raisins, seeds, and sprouts, contain carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates in the body convert food into glucose, then the body will use it as fuel to improve alertness, memory and concentration functions.

So, let's start feed the brain.

Buah Pencegah Diabetes

NEW YORK - Berdasarkan penelitian di Amerika baru-baru ini, sering mengkonsumsi buah Bluberi, Apel, dan Pir ternyata bisa mengurangi risiko terkena diabetes. "Mereka yang makan lebih banyak buah Bluberi atau Apel berisiko lebih rendah untuk menderita diabetes," kata An Pan, peneliti dari Harvard School of Public Health, seperti dilansir Reuters Sabtu (17/3).
An Pan menyatakan buah-buahan tersebut kaya akan flavonoids, senyawa yang terdapat dalam buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran, dan biji-bijian tertentu, yang dapat mengurangi risiko pada penyakit diabetes, lever atau kanker serta dapat mengurangi darah tinggi. "Bluberi dan apel dapat mengurangi 23 persen risiko terkena diabetes," kata An Pan.
American Diabetes Association menyatakan rata-rata 26 juta orang Amerika menderita diabetes, penyakit yang diakibatkan dari ketidakmampuan tubuh untuk memproduksi insulin (hormon yang mengatur kadar gula dalam darah).
Karena itu, An Pan menyarankan agar para penderita diabetes juga turut untuk mengkonsumsi buah-buahan tersebut. "Selain mencegah, flavonoid yang tiggi yang terkandung dalam buah-buahan tersebut sangat baik dikonsumsi oleh para penderita diabetes," ujar An Pan.
An Pan mengatakan penyakit diabetes dipengaruhi beberapa faktor seperti berat badan, kebiasaan merokok, dan faktor keturunan. Untuk mengontrolnya, selain mengkonsumsi buah, penyakit diabetes bisa dikontrol dengan olahraga yang teratur dan diet.
Sementara itu, seorang Profesor Kedokteran di New York University, Dr Loren Greene, mengatakan gula alami yang terdapat dalam buah dapat meningkatkan kadar glukosa darah dengan cepat.
Selain itu, zat lain yang terdapat dalam buah seperti serat dan pektin dapat memberikan manfaat yang baik kepada para penderita diabetes. "Sangat baik untuk mengkonsumsi buah-buahan daripada jus buah," kata dia.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Good News About Tobacco

Do you like smoking? if you like smoking, you are sure know about Tobacco and you should read this article about news of Tobacco!
The Philippines government knows that smoking is deadly. But it also knows that more than 60,000 farmers rely on Tobacco crops for a living. So, what is your opinion about it? Any solution do you have? The solution is “We are trying to find alternative uses for Tobacco” said Perlita Baula of The National Tobacco Administration.
Traditional healers in the Philippines use Tobacco leaves to treat wounds and insect bites. So, researchers want to assess the plant’s potential as a tropical painkillers and antibacterial medicine. The plant also has a high protection content, which can be extracted and added to food supplements. The most promo by products are paper and particles board.